ICE THEATRE of COLORADO team, unfortunately, is no longer competing as interest and funding has declined.  Thank you for expressing your curiosity of Theatre on Ice in Colorado Springs, CO.  Dianna-lynne Wells, Director of ITC.

Theatre on Ice Information Page

What is Theatre on Ice?  
Themes and  Storylines  
Team Suit  


What is Theater On Ice?

Theatre on Ice (TOI) is a form of competitive figure skating that is popular in Europe, where it is known as Ballet on Ice. It combines the grace of figure skating with the excitement of theater and dance. Solo skating is not encouraged, but permitted in limited amounts if it enhances the overall telling of the program's story. The programs are judged by U.S. Figure Skating judges and are evaluated on technical merit and presentation with emphasis on originality, costuming, artistry, musicality, and relationship of skaters as a whole.

Further TOI information can be found on the US Figure Skating website.

What are the Benefits?

  • More experience in performing more competitions and shows
  • Developing the acting side of skating
  • Be part of a team while continuing to use technical skills
  • A chance to travel both locally, nationally and internationally
  • Making new friends both in and out of the club
  • Creating camaraderie among skaters of same and various levels
  • Learn how to relax while performing and competing
  • Opportunity to enhance an individual’s performance and projection skills
  • Field experience for a Resume of a Performance Skater